

Learn more about the various ministries at PGSDAC.

Family Ministries

We all have a place in the family Welcome. You are visiting the official website of the Department of Family Ministries of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. We are dedicated to strengthening relationships and empowering ministry leaders and churches in their work with families. Family Ministries focuses on people in relationship. It is a ministry that provides tools to help individuals communicate more effectively, deepen commitment in marriage, and assist in becoming better parents. Family Ministries helps families grow in love and…

Men’s Ministry

We welcome you to become and be a part of this outreach and inreach. This site is dedicated to presenting information, materials and ideas about Men and Men’s Ministries of Philadelphia Seventh-Day Adventist Church. Keep in touch with us and share your hopes, ideas, needs, programs and materials. All of us together are smarter and more capable than any one of us individually. Look, browse, comment, connect. Let’s build broader and deeper ministry by working together! Our Mission Galvanize the…

Women’s Ministry

The Call A Ministry to Every Woman “We have different gifts, according to the grace given us…” Romans 12:6 NIV During the 1860s, the Seventh-day Adventist church was also coming into being. In the same time and culture, it was engaged in an attempt to save men and women who were dying spiritually. Ellen White lived during these years, and felt a great burden for the Three Angels’ messages to reach a world that was perishing for a want of the…

Youth Ministry

History Decades Twice in our past, brave writers have undertaken the task of putting the Youth Department history into print. The first was Matilda Erickson, the very first secretary in the first youth department working with the first director, M. E. Kern. The second one was tried by a historian by the name of Nathaniel Krum, under the guidance of the newly-elected world youth director, Theodore Lucas. No matter how hard one tries, the story gets abbreviated, lost in time,…